Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me 24 years and at me such problem: all time while in...

29.06.2004, 13:10
Hello the doctor! To me 24 years and at me such problem: all time while exaltation grows - the member is filled with a blood, but during any moment the blood starts to depart and on it or this all comes to an end still before I get "inside". Some years are married and never such was, though all this time I suffer a premature ejaculation. Prompt what sort this problem (psychological or physical) whether has value or meaning;importance the last time (5 years of a premature ejaculation and about a month of a problem with an erection) and what chances of success?

Kuharkin S.A.
30.06.2004, 04:54
Most likely it is venous leakage. 5 years were compensated. Simply for fulfilment of the sexual certificate or act it was necessary for you slelat quickly, there will be no yet a dump of a blood on a vein and the erection will not be gone. Now deompensirovalas-dump of a blood and disappearance or eradication of an erection occurs or happens before you had time to receive an orgasm. It is quite curable. It is necessary to make as research doopler a sexual member (arteries) at KDSK above 5, it is necessary to make also rentenologicheskoe isledovanie prlovogo a member. leitmja or koservativno, or operatively, but in any case result rather good.