Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Through what time after handed over spermogrammy and spent l...

27.06.2004, 01:32
Hello! Through what time after handed over spermogrammy and the spent treatment for a prostatitis at the husband peresdat spermogrammu (for comparison of results), also bad parameters can spermogrammy lead to an abortion. Excuse, if has badly formulated a question. We try to become pregnant.

Kuharkin S.A.
29.06.2004, 23:30
Communication or Connection bad smpermogrammy and prosatatia is in most cases rather exaggerated. tolk ov a case of very expressed inflammation it is possible it or her ustanvoit. Nevertheless, after treatment if pyrogenic medicines are not used were necessary to wait couple of weeks and to hand over the analysis spermogramu and MAR (and MAR gorazo pokazatelnee most spermogrammy svdetelsvtue about influence prosatita on oplodovorjajushchie to an opportunity of a semen). If spermorgaama had oligo or terato pokazetli voobshe it is not necessary to connect or bind with a prostatitis.