Просмотр полной версии : Dear Sergey Arkadevich, at us 4 stimulations EKO/IKSI at were pure or clean MF...

26.06.2004, 17:03
Dear Sergey Arkadevich, at us 4 stimulations EKO/IKSI at were pure or clean MF, from them 2 times TEZA (for the first time in Kiev (we from Ukraine) in August 2003 g, and last time in February, 2004 at you, in Altra-Vite). All attempts have appeared are unsuccessful, but the reason has appeared I, there was a polyp endometrija, have found out on gistere already after 5 oh krio attempts. At the first attempt there was a pregnancy, HGCH was 120, the strongest hyperstimulation of ovaries and all has ended.

To the husband 53 years, a chronic bronchitis. To me of 26 years. On numerous s/g - individual spermiki 3 7 pieces in sight, motionless. In Altre in general there was 1 spermik on preliminary s/a At the report handed over all over again 2 times a semen, and then you did or made TEZA and on 14 ja/to have typed or collected 11 spermikov, 6 embryoses of high quality have turned out. In general, all krio embryoses (them was in general or common bill 6) were defrozen, not one was not lost at razmorozke.
Varikotsele is not present.
Hormones: FSG 13, 7 (at norm or rate 1 12 ME/), LG 16, 44 (0, 6 12 ME/), Prolactinum 5, 57 (at norm or rate 2, 6 7, 2), Oestradiolum 45, 74 (less than 55), Testosteron-Depotum 6, 78 (3 12 ng/ml).
Genetics: a karyotype, a mucoviscidosis, AZF - by way of.
By results of US May, 2004 (did or made in Ukraine) - attributes of atrophic changes of a parenchyma of both testicles.

I give the husband vitamins C, E, Zincum, a selenium, peponen, sometimes I prick 12. Still uterine, trutnevoe molochko, perga and homeopathic agents for a spermatogenesis. Passes or takes place treatment by lasers, magnets, KVCH is East treatment, one year ago has helped or assisted the husband and was nearby 50 spermikov, instead of usual 3 7 pieces; but now results are not present, though has passed or has taken place a month of intensive treatment (I know, that is necessary through 3 m-tsa to do or make conclusions, but all). Still I wish to add L-a carnitine and G-the factor. Altitude chambers (10 procedures) passed or took place already, spermaktin too saws.
Now we prepare for one more attempt which we plan to spend in Altra-Vite through polgoda-year (if, certainly spermatozoons will appear).
1. I Suspect the diagnosis - hypergonadotrophic gipogonodizm, correctly?
2. How it is necessary to be restored to the husband after two TEZA, and what our chance, what spermiki will return???
Whether 3. Not too much I give everything, and whether all will help or assist it at our serious man's factor? Very much it would be desirable to avoid next TEZA, but how???
4. If spermatozoons and will not appear, for what is the time up to the report it is necessary to start to do or make to the husband of stimulation? to. In our city, is not present andrologov, and those who kak-try to treat that MF refuse to stimulate, we shall come to you.
5. What % of successful reports at such serious MF with use TEZA, MEZA or it is simple IKSI with individual spermikami?

Matilda (from Eve)

P. S. On Eve in the Extracorporal fertilization we discuss problems and treatment of the man's factor, very much to you we shall be always grateful for your comments!!!

Kuharkin S.A.
29.06.2004, 13:35
1) Correctly suspect - a hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, only it is necessary to add, that after PESA it is necessarily formed also obstruction. Io that you now undertakes it was necessary sledat directly ahead of EKO-iksi, before the first PESA is would give more than realtnyj chance, to not do or make PESA, and to receive dostatchnoe quantity or amount of spermatozoons in an ejaculate. PESA if it is made correctly, instead of it is replaced on TESA (casually or for any reasons) - necessarily causes neprohoditmost (obstruction) on ruovne pridaka - and to wait spermatozoons in an ejaculate it is not necessary absolutely 9 probably in the first case to the husband have made vse-taki - TESA - it not narugaet prohodimsoti. ju but spermatozoons poluchenye from jamchek are worse. Than from pridakov, less mature. Therefore I prefer to do or make PESA, and only if it is impossible. That TESA or even TESE.) . 20 All of you do or make correctly, a course stimudjatsii with fizioprotsedurami and altitude chambers repeat before priemzdom. As it is possible more close to vermeni arrival., but spermiki to an ejaculate precisely to not return, and vto will ripen in ejaichkah better and chances to find them rather uvelichatsja (opjat-taki at PESA or TESA/TESE) 3) vitamins and aminkosiloty do not play a special role, but precisely will not damage or injure;hurt, their choice good - itself would appoint or nominate too, that you and have listed. Kakogo-any variant of a biopsy to not avoid - In any way (if only not donor spermatozoons). 4) as it is possible more close by time of your puncture - for 3 4 weeks. 5) truzhno to tell or say - percent or interest of a finding spermtozoidov - more than 50 %, percent or interest successful IKSI with the found spermatozoons - 20 % (asma a technique nesovreshenna. Write about greater or big, but I yet did not meet clinics. Where it is real pervalivalo for 20 % - quantity or amount of birthes of the child (as advertising obchno consider or count by quantity or amount of fertilizations, at the best by quantity or amount peneosov, on a birth of the child - has resulted or brought relanye tsiry, I think it to you interestingly, p not reports of clinics by quantity or amount successful EKO-IKSI if was mistaken read on eotm a forum of colleagues in section Iskussvenoe oplodotvrenie - there digits are more optimistical). Thanks for prglashenie - I shall glance necessarily.