Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Sergey Arkadevich! I already wrote to you few times in occasion of the ...

27.06.2004, 01:33
Hello, Sergey Arkadevich! I already wrote to you few times in occasion of the problem. To me 21 year. Has started to notice appreciable weakening of a potency the last summer (before the first sexual certificate or act it was raised or excited very quickly, the erection was good but before breaking to the second certificate or act a lot of time was required, or in general was not so capable to sex or the erection was defective or incomplete and quickly vanished, despite of stimulation). Further the situation still was more aggravated, once at me simply "has not risen" and on the first stick so repeated again and again, has noticed that actually to me and sex not so it would be desirable as earlier. There were frequent desires to an emiction, happened for 15 minutes it was necessary to be wetted time on 3. After the reference or manipulation to the doctor in a local out-patient department on the basis of US (it has shown insignificant diffusive or diffuse changes in a prostate), the analysis of juice of a prostate (10 15 leucocytes in sight, diseases PPP it were revealed not) and manual or digital inspection (very morbid, the prostate according to the doctor was firm) the chronic prostatitis has been diagnosed the urologist. Already during course of treatment like would feel improvements, for the first time for some months of an erection sufficed on 3 and more times, unpleasant sensations in an inguen have almost disappeared, the emiction was adjusted... But through nekotroe time with an erection problems, irregular utrennja an erection have again begun. Repeated analyses of juice of a prostate were excellent or different, zdaval a blood, a smear on an infection - all is negative, crop - normal. The doctor has registered IMPAZU, that too special result has not given, 2 successively erection could be horoshshchej, 2 neeedli practically any. There were pains in an inguen, the desire completely was absent. Was napralen on inspection in hospital, there despite of good analyses of juice of a prostate (1 2 leucocytes in p/z, letsetinovyh are a lot of grains...), the general or common analysis of a blood have diagnosed: " Chronic prostatitis an exacerbation ", treated Trentalum, Pyrogenalum (with horror vpominaju), prostatilen, Vitaprost, TSikloferon, fizioprotsedury, massage, without antibiotics. Result any, signs otsalis tezhe: practically otsutsvie the desires, unpleasant sensations at the best, in the worst - pains in an inguen, a bad, incomplete erection, both morning and adequate, very fast ejaculation (at times there is less than minute). Recently has recollected, that just with the beginning of problems with an erection pollutions were gone, earlier they happened hardly oi not every night though the sexual life is regular. To local urologists of desire to go more is not present, except for a prostatitis they do not know diagnoses, is assured or confident that business not only in itself. Write please, will cost how much inspection for my problem, the diagnosis prospective by you, and terms in which can be spent this inspection. In the beginning of next week I am going to in kommandirovku in capital, it would be desirable to enter the name to you on reception in this occasion. In advance Thanks!

Kuharkin S.A.
28.06.2004, 09:51
To me kazhetsja, what is it the phenomena koliikulita - complications of a prostatitis. Essentially other treatment, and Will kick other such opponent of Pyrogenalum. As I. Inspection - 1 day. Treatment about 2 weeks. Cost of consultation - 600 rub, inspections 1500 rbl. Treatment up to from 3 up to 12 t. r. All term of treatment to be in Moscow.