Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Koblikov, I already write third time to you, as on you pochemu-...

The anonym
24.06.2004, 18:00
Dear doctor Koblikov, I already write third time to you as on you pochemu-have advised that to nothing. I ask vsyo-taki to help or assist.
At me on a balanus for a long time have appeared treshchenki and tsarapinki which sort increase or are enlarged, the skin of a head became dry and is sometimes scratched! I went to the urologist, but he has told or said, that all by way of! What is it can be?

Koblikov I.A.
25.06.2004, 19:38
Three times responded: the mycotic affection of a skin of a sexual member is described. More likely the dermatologist will borrow or occupy in it or this. However are ready to take part or participate in specification of the diagnosis also. Hospital RU.

26.06.2004, 22:29
TELL or SAY, how much or as far as it seryozno and whether quickly to be treated?

Koblikov I.A.
28.06.2004, 06:29
If it of what we think it is treated longly and tiresomely.