Просмотр полной версии : My young man complains of phallodynias. After the certificate or act arises...

26.06.2004, 21:53
My young man complains of phallodynias. After the certificate or act there is as though an inflammation and an easy or a light;a mild burning sensation, a tingling. If at once the member carefully to wash up - that signs are shown less brightly. At oral sex and at use of a condom - that's all right, unpleasant sensations do not arise. Several years ago, when these signs for the first time have appeared, he was surveyed at the urologist together with then partnershej and both have been recognized healthy. The doctor has told or said, what is it an allergy on vulval or vaginal allocation and has advised to use a condom. But the guy does not like condoms and never uses. With all partnershami up to me it or he too had an easy or a light;a mild inflammation. After contact to me he has told or said, that the inflammation is much stronger usual and has not passed or has not taken place even next day but only has amplified. (I use vaginalnye suppositories Farmateks, and previous it or him partnershi were not protected in any way). In what there can be a reason of these pains. It really allergy? Or it is an infection which should be treated? What analyses to him should be made? Whether I can catch from it or him, being protected Farmateksom.?

Koblikov I.A.
27.06.2004, 20:08
It tipichnnaja an allergy on farmateks. I advise to not excruciate the partner. To put a modern spiral (multiloud) easier and to live a high-grade sex life.

28.06.2004, 04:26
At it or him these pains WITH ALL PARTNERSHAMI in current of several years. Even when anybody from them did not use Farmateks, any other agents!!! Earlier I too did not use farmateksom and hurt it or him all the same were, but hardly it is less. And now, after the fact of its or his change, I am afraid to catch from it or him, and no spiral will save me.
But the reason of its or his these pains and inflammations all the same to find out it would be desirable - well there can not be at it or him an allergy on all women without exception? It seems to me, that he vse-taki is infected by something...
As he remembers the moment when these inflammations have begun - several years ago. Can, then simply have not found the reason by virtue of bad diagnostic base of a district clinic, and now he a chronic virus carrier???