Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 17 years. At me in a scrotum from the left party or side something like sk...

Kuharkin S.A.
03.06.2004, 12:45
There is no opinion

23.06.2004, 04:39
Hello! To me of 17 years. At me in a scrotum from the left party or side something like a clump of veins which are probed or palpated when I stand or cost. And the right testicle any soft and hardly less left, and it has no precise oval form. Can tell or say here something? Thanks.

23.06.2004, 19:00
I, student-the physician, apparently at you VARIKOTSELE (a varicose varicocele) and most likely for a long time. The temperature for testicles should be within the limits of 34 35 degrees for this reason they and hang in a scrotum. At varikotsele the temperature raises or increases also a testicle cannot function normally. Time a testicle soft and the form is changed is speaks about an atrophy of a testicle - urgently run to vrachu-to the surgeon in urology or in spets. Clinic also begin treatment for the present not late - most likely at you varikotsele 3 j degrees and it demands a surgical intervention - operation easier an appendicitis, to you the vessel is simply drawn - will rise on 2 j day. At me too was varikotsele and I have made opreatsiju

Andrey Vladimirovich
24.06.2004, 06:24
It is necessary without which to define or determine survey tactics of the further inspection and treatment it is impossible. Unfortunately not all so is simple, as has described TURIST and operation far not always such as he has described. And whether there is in general in her a necessity? Inspection will respond to this question.

Kuharkin S.A.
24.06.2004, 11:11
Similar on varikotsele at the left. On the right tode modet to be variokotsele which has caused or called giptrofiju a testicle. It is necessary to see a doctor - andrologu. It in general agree with the Tourist.