Просмотр полной версии : We with the husband have problems in sex he modet "to terminate" suffices si...

18.06.2004, 23:33
We with the husband have problems in sex he modet "to terminate" forces as he speaks suffice and a little 67 years accumulate enzyme of Testosteron-Depotum / to him. Has transferred or carried operation in occasion of a hydrocele / year nazad/. And recently he has admitted, that to him during this moment stir or prevent desires on an emiction. What is it such and how with it or him;them to struggle?

Kuharkin S.A.
20.06.2004, 05:42
Most likely it and the adenoma of a prostate affects (desires on an emiction) and erectile dysfunction i/or depression, dejstvitelno Testosteron-Depotum. But not its or his enzyme - if you mean prehod Testosteron-Depotum in degidrtestosteron under action 5 alfareduktazy. Such the mechanism was quite logically we shall assume, if he accepted proskar. Voobshchem, I think. That all easily enough is reperable. But information for knkretnogo advice or council a little. Approach or suit on consultation. Better together. We can spend in current of pair hours practically all researches and give the reference directly the same day.