Просмотр полной версии : Hello. prokomentirujte please spermogrammu the husband. What possible or probable...

17.06.2004, 08:10
Hello. prokomentirujte please spermogrammu the husband. What possible or probable reasons of such bad parameters? What is possible or probable treatment? Obyom-1, 5, RN-7, 4, lejkotsity-2 3, lipoid teltsa-it is not enough, kol-in in 1 ml-6 million, the general or common kol-in - 9 million, bystrodvizhushchiesja-is not present, slowly dvizhushchiesja-2 %, neaktivnye-6 %, nepodvizhnye-92 % podvizhnye-2 %, aktivnye-2 %, normalnye-1 %, defect golovki-99 %, defect shejki - 36 %, defect hvosta-27 %, tsitoplazmicheskaja kapelka-5 %, terazoospermichesky indeks-1, 7. Diagnoz-secretory sterility or barrenness.

Kuharkin S.A.
18.06.2004, 04:22
Vo-the first such diagnosis. As sekrtornoe sterility or barrenness does not happen, it is the unauthorized and strongly out-of-date term. In essence: mpri normal rn and lowered up to 1.5 ml an ejaculate - I first of all would suspect immenno disturbance of passage of a semen on semjavynosjashchim to ways, is possible or probable chastichnu obstructions or retrogradnuju ejaculations. A Plenty motionless and morfologicheski broken or disturbed dictates necessity of genetic research (considering small volume on CF-too it will be necessary to hand over the factor). How much years to the husband, whether t a diabetes mellitis (too the possible or probable reason of such unusual combination of small volume at sohranienii rn)?

18.06.2004, 08:21
To the husband 31 year. The diabetes mellitis is not present and never nebylo. He in general in general the healthy person. So what vsyo-taki you will advise analyses zdat still? And what treatment? (the answer to your question from : 13 : 16)

Kuharkin S.A.
19.06.2004, 22:26
antispermalnye antibodies (blood) the Analysis wet right after ejaculations (for retrogradnoj ejaculations) AZF and CF - (genetics). TRUZI before and after an ejaculation (aim focus on seed or spermatic blisters or blebs) the US of a scrotum (precisely on appendages of testicles) is better with dopplerom. Treatment even I can not assume - so different, depending on that that these analyses and researches will show.