Просмотр полной версии : In the husband have found out a clamidiosis, at menja-is not present, whether probably such?...

The anonym
12.06.2004, 05:44
In the husband have found out a clamidiosis, at menja-is not present, whether probably such?

13.06.2004, 15:28
Seven years ago my husband had phallodynias. We did not change each other and have been assured, that no infection can be. However, when the husband descended or went to the urologist, to him has been diagnosed trihamonoz. I was surveyed, at me have found nothing, though we lived a sexual life and during pains at the husband. I descended or went again on the analysis - anything. In a month I once again descended or went, again anything. The doctor has explained, that at the husband illness or disease could be shown in some years after suspicious contact and consequently proceeded not in the acute form and was not passed me. Such happens, on the experience I can approve or confirm. Then the husband spoke me, that at it or him year for 2 was the woman of easy or light;mild behaviour who has told or said to him then that is sick, but at it or him anything then was not showed, and showed here when. And to me it was not passed, because I immunaja system has resisted against not acute form of disease. Through pol-year I have become pregnant, stood on the account, naturally handed over analyses both up to sorts or labors and after but so anything and was not, to great happiness both of us.

Rabaev G.G.
14.06.2004, 01:08
Probably and quite often. Treatment is necessary for spending and
To you and the spouse.