Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My analysis of juice of a prostate and a smear show very high uro...

The athlete
13.06.2004, 14:09
Hello! My analysis of juice of a prostate and a smear show very high level of leucocytes about 20 30 units in sight. And the US of a prostate have not shown any changes not under the form of a gland not in the sizes. A devastation of a bladder at an emiction full. The most interesting to me that at such high level of leucocytes in analyses of juice of a prostate and a smear of venereal originators is not revealed and repeatedly, down to the present or true moment. Earlier by means of a smear and crop according to an interval 1 2 years, have been found out Cardnerela and Necerija gonoreja (for spelling I do not warrant or vouch), but during treatment beat are liquidated, that have shown repeated analyses. Spent after that analyses on the Mycoplasma, the Ureaplasma, Gardnerelu, Hlamidiju-are negative. I heard about insufficient probability of detection of urethral analyses and about more effective analyses of a blood on the quantitative maintenance or contents of antigens (credits). Whether can at such high level of leucocytes in a urethra and a prostate completely to be absent pathogenic flora?

Koblikov I.A.
13.06.2004, 22:00
No. The originator is, but he is not found out yet. There is enough in the beginning mikroskopirovat it is qualitative prokrashenyj on glass (smear) a secret of a prostate then to be engaged and crops and soskobami.