Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Pains (not acute, trouble) in the field of a left kidney. More strongly...

10.06.2004, 18:34
Hello. Pains (not acute, trouble) in the field of a left kidney. Are more strongly shown at a deep inclination to the left leg or foot (especially at an extension) and at twisting a trunk to the right (turn napravo-by back head and a back, a basin on a place). As pains at pressure in this area. At attempt it is easy or light to knock has thrown in fever and the head has begun to spin.
For the first time strongly was ill at attempt to be tightened on a crossbeam on September, 14th - a wide nagging pain. There was an impression that has simply pulled a muscle of a back. Gde-that one week before there were unpleasant sensations in the field of both kidneys when the wife on them has casually pressed. To the beginning of October all has calmed down, but on October, 5th at game in table tennis has again thrown in fever, the head has begun to spin has appeared easy or light;mild valiantly % F

Koblikov I.A.
11.06.2004, 09:02
I advise to make a x-ray film of lumbar area and US of internal organs, including kidneys.
Variants are possible or probable.