Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist! Here already half a year I am excruciated. I had a strong stress. Has then noticed...

Sergey Novikov
05.06.2004, 19:26
Help or Assist! Here already half a year I am excruciated. I had a strong stress. Has then noticed, that allocation from a member began to smell unusually. I have gone to the doctor. Analyses have given nothing all over again, then to me have started to prick a gonovaccine ostensibly to provoke a gonorrhea. Well also have provoked. On 7 j a nyxis were found out in vydelenijah gonokokki, but a little. The doctor has told or said, that they in a prostate and it conducts all to sterility or barrenness. Then she has appointed or nominated to me antibiotics Trichopolum and more something. I do not remember. Now like all by way of. I went to the urologist, did or made 10 sessions of massage of a prostate. Has handed over at it or him the final analysis - he has told or said that all by way of, a pier leucocytes have disappeared from vydeleny. Erosion was suddenly found out In a constant partnyorshi shejki uteruses. We once have transferred or carried a mycoplasma, a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis. Can, these are echoes of those old sores? And it was 3 4 years ago. I ask to ask questions. I shall respond to all. Thankful in advance to you.

Andrey Vladimirovich
07.06.2004, 01:34
If now your analyses and spouses without changes and nothing disturbs you, all by way of. As to erosion shejki uteruses the reason of its or her education can become not only an infection. But it already to gynecologists. And on internal consultation.

Sergey Novikov
08.06.2004, 17:59
Thanks huge, I have a little calmed down. But here that is strange - after I drink some a few or a little;little bit alcohol prickings in the bottom of a stomach or belly, there where a prostate begin, I think. Unpleasant sensations. It can about chyom-to speak that? Thanks.

JUraO 24
10.06.2004, 05:15
Help!!! ZPPP with a high probability are excluded. Earlier was ill or sick with a clamidiosis, trihomoniazom, hr. A prostatitis. On Thursday has got wet, on Friday - the general or common malaise, in subotu plentiful white allocation without a smell and T 38.9, Sunday - 38, 5 allocation + in the evening in the extremity or end of an emiction has gone zgustok bloods and the burning sensation in a urethra has begun. On Monday and simply in urine in the extremity or end of the certificate or act m-I the blood was. Have diagnosed predv. hr. A prostatitis + disease of a bladder. The blood since Monday has more nebylo and temperatures too, only than allocation. In juice of leucocytes on 1/2 fields of vision. In crop cor. minutiss... 5105.../... The doctor Has appointed or nominated Biseptolum 480, prostatilen, massages, ehinatseju. On Uzi only a prostatitis the size of a gland 4 4 2. After results of crop ofloksatsin. Improvements not chustvuju (allocation). How you prokomentiruete it? In advance thanks!!!