Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a cystitis (I know precisely t. To he at me already chronic). Wounds...

02.06.2004, 09:30
Hello. At me a cystitis (I know precisely t. To he at me already chronic). Earlier hot baths + medicines helped or assisted. And this time already there is more than week - will get rid I can not. A propyl furadonin, 5. All in empty. In the morning urine muddy, with an extraneous smell (rotten).
How much it is possible uroseptiki to accept? I all stocks sla, only packing 10 tabl Nitroxolinum have remained. Can bisseptola drink?
Business becomes complicated that I now in the USA, do not know local tablets... Up to the house not doterplju, help or assist, pliz

The anonym
05.06.2004, 06:17
Come into a drugstore, it is possible or probable as the foreigner to you will sell antibiotics without the prescription, type pentofloksatsina (this international name, there will think as the American analogue is called) or Negramum (the acid nalidiksovaja) it is possible or probable without an antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action to you to not manage, especially after unsystematic reception himiopreparatov. Also look or see on JAhu treatment of cystitises, you have access to a computer. If 5 nok has not helped or assisted, there is no sense to drink niktroksolin, t to this same. Stop to drink the alcohol, the aerated drinks, acute, salty, smoked products, acidic fruit. Try to stay denek for houses with reception of a plenty zhidkosti-up to 4 litres negazirovannoj, it becomes possible or probable easier.

Koblikov I.A.
06.06.2004, 16:43
These are the out-of-date preparations.
For example Monural - still all right.