Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! To me 17, and at me the head of a penis till now does not open...

31.05.2004, 19:42
Uv. The doctor! To me 17, and at me the head of a penis till now does not open. But thus I do not test any dyscomfort, at me the skin does not cicatrize or scar, there is no place nothing hurts. Whether it is possible for me to do or make a circumcision and to leave all as is.

The anonym
03.06.2004, 21:36
I have already responded you at the sexopathologist and if to you already 17 the question is not present, it is necessary to do or make. As well as everything, even simple operations, is better since September, not in the summer.

Koblikov I.A.
05.06.2004, 23:29
It do not agree. To operate a phimosis it is possible in any day and without everyone ogljadki on weather. If Alexander in Moscow can call 2708533. We shall make as always on 5 with +!