Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, hello! I already asked you this question. What analyses it is necessary with...

02.06.2004, 09:09
The doctor, hello! I already asked you this question. It is necessary to hand over what analyses to my husband to be convinced of absence at it or him IPPP? You have written, that is desirable to be checked up to me. I have handed over a smear on flora - absol. Normal, a tank. Crop - too, the colposcopy has not shown any deviations or rejections. And whether the doctor that could see or at a colposcopy with a staining?
Also what now to hand over to my husband? I wish to be assured, that it or he does not have any diseases to give birth to the healthy child. Thanks in advance for the answer.

Kuharkin S.A.
05.06.2004, 02:08
The analysis of a blood on herpes, TSMV, chlamydias. PTSR (urethral soskob) on miko, a ureaplasma, trihomanady. gonokokki. To begin with a banal smear and a secret of a prostate, TRUZI.