
Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 2 weeks ago I on fast have got in hospital with the diagnosis is acute...

29.05.2004, 00:38
Hello! 2 weeks ago I on fast have got in hospital with the diagnosis an acute pyelonephritis. Has stayed there 4 days. As soon as the temperature at me normal I became compelled or forced was to leave on receipt hospital " on family circumstances " and not having recovered. In hospital to me pricked Analginum with Dimedrolum + once a day antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Now, on proprocession almost 2 weeks, I feel a strain in district of a sick kidney, that is a side I have pains in as after long employment or occupations by gymnastics, puffiness of the face, and quantity or amount of a liquid drunk by me (2 2, 5 l also is daily observed. In day) not sootvetsvuet kol-vu leaving. Vrach-the urologist in a local out-patient department has told or said, that all this is norm or rate as at my diagnosis the edema is possible or probable only as allergic reaction. To you I shall be very grateful, whether if you will tell or say any further treatment that disease has not passed in chronic is necessary for me and there was no pyesis? (On many medicines, I really have an allergy shown in dermal rashes). Whether there is to me an occasion to worry on this subject? In advance to you it is very grateful.

Fuks S.V.
29.05.2004, 04:28
All know, that is frequent in municipal hospitals happens not comfortably and not palatably. Huzhe-when stalkivaeshsja with a negligence of the personnel.
Your situation probably not exception.
Pyelonephritis - disease very dangerous. Dangerously it purulent complications, such as, for example an anthrax of a kidney or a pyonephrosis. There are such complications from wrong and insufficient diagnostics and treatment, proceeding, in turn, at first, with the dim clinical picture. Such things to pass or miss it is impossible. Therefore to you very much I recommend doobsledovatsja.

Koblikov I.A.
31.05.2004, 13:35
And again in a hospital. We can advise good by all criteria.