Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 25 years. About three weeks ago the beginnings to test a strong burning sensation...

29.05.2004, 04:44
Hello! To me of 25 years. About three weeks ago the beginnings to test a strong burning sensation in a urethra after an ejaculation, there were same signs outside of any communication or connection with the sexual certificate or act. Has gone to the urologist (to paid clinic). Have made only two analyses: a smear and US then have diagnosed: " a chronic prostatitis in a phase of an exacerbation and a genitourinary ureaplasmosis " (US the augmentation of a prostate in 2 times has shown). Have appointed or nominated a physiotherapy, massage, vitamins and Pyrogenalum (intramusculary). Antibiotics yet do not appoint or nominate (speak, that it is necessary to entice an infection outside). I would like to learn or find out your opinion, whether it is possible to receive the similar diagnosis on the basis of the made analyses? How much adequately appointed or nominated treatment? Whether I can count on treatment from the put diagnosis. P. S. After three sessions of a physiotherapy the semen has got a yellowish shade, whether there can be it a consequence of illness or disease and treatment? Thanks!

Koblikov I.A.
30.05.2004, 22:14
Without comments. We did not see your analyses, did not examine YOU personally and consequently we can not approve or confirm, that you are sick.