Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Approximately one year ago has spent time with the girl " a lung p...

26.05.2004, 00:11
Hello, the doctor! Approximately one year ago has spent time with the girl of " easy or light;mild behaviour ", besides usual sex with a condom was kunnilingus. In some days there was a burning sensation in a breast, there was not so good electrocardiogram and I was directed to a cardiology, and there in 16 days the prostatitis with slizisto-purulent discharges and strong pains in a perineum has begun. Urologists and the venereologist have written out to me antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, but the prostatitis has passed in the chronic form. I was checked practically on all IPPP, found only mycoplasmas and yeast funguses (in urine). I have treated a mycoplasmosis. Then in a blood have found antibodies to VPG (but the genital herpes at me like would be not present) Did or Made also provocation and crop, results normal, but here US of a prostate with the gauge presence mikrokaltsinata, thickness has shown of 3 mm. Doctors speak, that this chronic calculous prostatitis is caused by developments of stagnation, but pochemu-that after a masturbation of a pain amplify. Tell or Say, what to me to do or make, can hand over still any analyses or this all gives kaltsinat?

Kuharkin S.A.
29.05.2004, 03:28
The prostatitis seldom gives purulent discharges, especially visible. Most likely the problem is connected with a vesiculitis. From inspections - directed on acknowledgement or confirmation of presence of a vesiculitis. Of expediency of laboratory diagnostics I doubt, there can be a crop of a semen. But first of all is topical diagnostics.