Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, by results of spermogrammy at the husband normospermija, oligozoo...

22.05.2004, 17:59
The dear doctor, by results of spermogrammy at the husband normospermija, an oligozoospermia, astenozoospermija, a teratozoospermia. The doctor to us has told or said, that there are no chances to conceive the baby. Whether all is valid so badly? Than to treat the husband? Whether there Are any nonconventional methods of treatment of our problem?

Kuharkin S.A.
23.05.2004, 07:32
By such results even without digits I can not prokomentirovat. The majority of problems ustranimo if them to be engaged. So do not despair and do not hurry up with an artificial fertilization. In conference repeatedly I result or bring full algortm obsledovani at mudzhskom sterility or barrenness - pass or take place it or him all.