Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! In me have found out mycoplasmas, have treated tavanik 250 mg h 1 time...

22.05.2004, 07:11
Zdrastvujte! In me have found out mycoplasmas, have treated tavanik 250 mg h 1 time of 20 days, they have remained to live! Have now appointed or nominated vilprofen 1 h 2 times, 20 days. And all! Whether the question is a lot of 20 days and the second accompanying treatment consists from Nistatinum 1 h 3 times, korsil 1 h 3 times, vit B12 and hilak forte, whether will sustain my organism such attack, at hr a glomerulonephritis and pressure 160 h 100 which I normalize renitekom. I am sick pagano myself I feel.

Kuharkin S.A.
22.05.2004, 11:36
It seems to me, that the mycoplasma (in the majority of the countries, and dazhu already couple of years in Russia priznanaja uslovnopatognennoj flora) is not necessary such risk. To treat it or her it is necessary in extreme cases and basically immunomoduljatorami. Reokmenduju to address with this problem to immunologists. If mycoplasmas to you really prevent to live. For example in Moscow GKB 70 in Preovo or Novogireevo (professor Grishin Tatyana Ivanovna)

23.05.2004, 00:09
For normotsenoza vaginas (and the infection as you understand meets also women) presence of genital mycoplasmas - M. hominis and U. urealyticum which meet at 2 15 % of sexly active women is characteristic. [Bartlet J. G., Polk B. F. Bacterial flora of the vagina: quantitative study / / Rev. Infect. Dis. 1984, 6, S67-S72.
. Isenberg H. D., Painter B. D. Indigenous and pathogenic microorganisms of humans / / in: Manual of Clinical Microbiol. - Eds. E. H. Lennette, A. Balows, W. J. Hausler et al. 3rd end. Washington: A. S. M. 1980. - 25 39.]. If there are no clinical displays and furthermore treatment carrying out of repeated courses is not justified is already spent.

Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky / Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./