Просмотр полной версии : The day before yesterday at my father (64 years) strong incessant pains have begun in...

20.05.2004, 23:51
The day before yesterday at my father (64 years) strong incessant abdominal pains on the right have begun. Next day, after a hot bath, the temperature up to 38, 0 has risen. The pain has amplified, have caused or called "Fast". With the preliminary diagnosis "appendicitis" of the father have delivered in hospital, however, by results of analyses, the surgeon has considered or has counted;has read out a surgical intervention inexpedient and has advised to address to the urologist for a pathology in kidneys. Nojushchaja the pain does not stop, amplifies attacks. The temperature, after reception furadonina (under references of the surgeon), slept. Our urologist in holiday also will appear not soon. Prompt please what to undertake? Whether it can be connected really with kidneys?

Koblikov I.A.
22.05.2004, 10:24
Can be. In the beginning it is necessary to exclude an acute ischuria. For this purpose it is enough to make US of kidneys and a bladder. Even if there is no urologist vraja any speciality it will make. Analyses are obviously made in hospital - result?
If the status has worsened - again cause or call fast.