Просмотр полной версии : Igor on November, 15th 2002 16 : 24 : 47 Au! People! Who nibud can tell or say as about...

Igor Minsk 33.
21.05.2004, 15:25
Igor on November, 15th 2002 16 : 24 : 47
Au! People! Who nibud can tell or say as reaction of an organism to the entered 2 cubes tippurana (0, 2 mbk) (an iodine radioactive) proceeds at isotope renografii kidneys???? And tepmeratura has grown for 7 hours after inektsii up to 39 and pressure under 150 has grown, a foot, a nose, and ladoshki cold, bangs from "cold".....

On November, 22nd 2002 00 : 31 : 56
Well... It so. First has gone to the therapist..., the hypertensia a pier has told or said, probably secondary, hence tippurana have stuck already others..., otdyshalsja like, poplelsja to kordiologam, those have told or said that 10 failures for a day "norm or rate"..., poplelsja to other cardiologist not showing him of "operating time" previous, the osteochondrosis speaks shejnogrudnogo a department, nerves a pier are pressed from it or this an arrhythmia and reaction of adrenals respective, then on US broshnoj cavities, usual equal with the sizes 10850, 10246 with sufficient paranhimatoznym a layer..... So to what "integrator" on reception to go what researches on set has analysed all and has defined or determined therapy... Or if there is a center of an inflammation so it can be visible at infra-red scanning on a difference of temperatures of the normal and inflamed tissues?????

Koblikov I.A. on November, 20th 2002 19 : 31 : 20
So who will exclude a pyelonephritis? If fast has refused to take away you it is YOUR personal defect. For the next day it is possible to pass or take place and the therapist and the urologist. Seryoznej it is necessary and with us - doctors, and with you - patients, and with relatives if all so are passive.
On November, 19th 2002 17 : 48 : 26
Fast has arrived, and alja CHumak has told or said, a pier not our structure, "ours"... Colds + 40 and above... And for the morning = 37.8, in a day + 36, 6... The hemoglobin 183, in the street hour 1, 5 to be passed or be taken place on foot and again + 37, 2, the face hot. Can as a bengal fire from excess of oxygen?
Koblikov I.A. on November, 16th 2002 19 : 01 : 01
It is reaction not on contrast, and on ostrovospalitelnyj process, it is possible or probable at attack of a pyelonephritis. The doctor should examine you: address, for example. To the person on duty in the nearest skoropomoshchnuju hospital.

Koblikov I.A.
22.05.2004, 09:01
And in what a question this time?