Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, the daddy handed over the analysis PSA - result 7, 11 NG/ML-that n...

20.05.2004, 01:01
Tell or Say, please, the daddy handed over the analysis
PSA - result 7, 11 NG/ML-that is normal
Or not?

AK 47
20.05.2004, 18:01
In general high. The normal level considers less than 4 ng/ml.
But it is necessary to consider age and also volume of a prostate.
Now annual performance of manual or digital rectal research and definition of the general or common PSA is recommended to all men 50 years are more senior. At achievement of level PSA more than 4 ng/ml all men are more senior than 65 years should to be surveyed carefully. If rising prostatspetsificheskogo an antigen will be observed and further - it is necessary to make a biopsy of a prostate.

Koblikov I.A.
21.05.2004, 13:05
The answer correct. dolzhet to examine the given patient the oncologist.