Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Daughters of 8 years, operation on Andersen on November, 12th has been made on...

17.05.2004, 02:32
Good afternoon!
Daughters of 8 years, operation on Andersen in occasion of a congenital hydronephrosis at the left on November, 12th has been made. After were treated under the scheme or plan uroseptikami, grasses, did or made UHF, elektoforez about an iodine. A potassium. Now we finish treatment of a hyperoxaluria (was for 3 weeks Aevitum + 6, ksidifon, broth of an oats, now - mineralka) + 10 days in a month - grasses. Recently nazanachili stimulation of kidneys (any currents SMT on a projection of a bladder). During the first procedure there was a morbidity, the second - is normal. But the general or common analysis wet has shown fresh erythrocytes 2 in p/zr, and Sodium oxalatums 2 though from the beginning of December any more was not neither leucocytes, nor erythrocytes, and Sodium oxalatums last time were in the beginning of January, up to protivooksalatnogo treatments. A diet last time did not break. A question: 1. What for these currents are necessary? The pediatrist (while there is no opportunity to consult at the nephrologist) speaks, that the kidney has come to norm or rate, the augmentation was cleaned or removed. So?
2. What mean these fresh erythrocytes? At it or her basically trombotsitopatija, but we before procedure under the insisting of a physiatrist did or made a coagulogram, and a hematologist has told or said, that the analysis good. Something can till now has not begun to live? Also what to do or make?
3. Whence Sodium oxalatums? Could such be, what they were saved up in chashechkah-lohankah (they at it or her greater or big), and after stimulation have gone or send on an output or exit? In this case, probably, it is necessary to not cancel, how to us a physiatrist, and to continue?
4. When it is better to repeat these currents if, certainly, it is necessary. Or than them to replace. What in general usually tactics, in our case already strategy (almost half a year has passed or has taken place).
Many thanks.

Koblikov I.A.
18.05.2004, 13:21
1 so.
2 happens on atkih terms after operation.
3 it is constant process, grasses and ksidifon for correction while are necessary.
4 it is possible to respond to this question knowing last gaugings at US. I wait the report of US.

20.05.2004, 00:19
Thanks for the answer. I have calmed down. But US at us under the plan in May (we are observed in a district clinic, therefore all under the plan), in the beginning of June we lay down on v/in a pyelography and all assays renal we shall do or make (biochemistry, Reberga, Zimnitskogo and t. Item) to learn or find out result of operation. I, from your permission, shall consult with you in this occasion later. Thanks.

Koblikov I.A.
20.05.2004, 05:31
Please. It is possible on my mail urol@hospital. ru