Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Help or assist to understand with spermogrammoj: We plan it is pregnant...

18.05.2004, 03:47
The dear doctor! Help or assist to understand with spermogrammoj:
We plan pregnancy. From morphological research it is visible,
That many pathological forms.
1. Estimate or appreciate, please, an opportunity of the stood pregnancy, an abortion or a birth
The "unhealthy" child, considering other parameters spermogrammy.
2. Whether it is possible to count on successful pregnancy and to start conception?
Many thanks. Alexander, 33 years.

Parameters Norm or Rate
Volume 2, 3 (2 6 ml)
Consistence viscous or viscid (viscous or viscid)
Colliquation 20 (10 30 mines)
RN 8, 5 (7, 2 8, 0)
Slime (is not present) much
Quantity or Amount sperm-dov in 1 4, 5 h 10 in 6 (20 150 million)
The general or common kol-in sperm-dov.
In ejakuljante 103, 5 h 10 in 6 (> 40 million)
Aktivnopodvizhnye () 26, 7 (> 25 %)
Malopodvizh. With postupatel.
Movement () 10, 7
Mobility (and +) 37, 4 (> 50 %)
Absence postup. dvizh. () 9, 3 (2 %)
nepodvizh. Spermatozoons (d) 53, 3 (75 %)
Agglutination + (is not present)
Aggregation of spermatozoons + (is not present)
Leucocytes 37 000 (up to 1 million)
Erythrocytes are not present
Macrophages are not present
Lipoid teltsa (little bit) MORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH there is some
Normal spermatozoons of 27 % (> 50 %)
Pathological forms: 73 % (<50 %)
Pathology of a head of 50 %
Pathology shejki 12 %
Pathology of a tail of 11 %
Unripe spermatozoons of 1 % (1 %)
Degenerate or Degenerative forms of 1 % (1 %)
Cells spermageneza 2 3 (2 4)
MAR-the test of an antibody are not found out

Kuharkin S.A.
20.05.2004, 02:06
I consider or count absolutely not correct to estimate or appreciate chances of conception on spermogramme. On the data resulted or brought by you it is visible, that there are changes in morphology, physical and chemical properties of an ejaculate, mobility is broken or disturbed. It is not excluded hormonal and genetic factors. The situation is reperable if to find out the reason. Obviously it is necessary to you doobsledovatsja (TRUZI with accent or stress on seed or spermatic blisters or blebs before and after an ejaculation + Doppler of a scrotum, the analysis of a blood on antispermalnye antibodies, on hormones) and necessarily enter the name on reception to andrologu.