Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me under a prepuce last years ten daily pojav...

The student
17.05.2004, 11:21
Hello. I under a prepuce last years ten daily have what that smelling white scurf. I can not get rid of it or him in any way! In the morning mine the member with soap, by the evening appears... Cream TRIDERM helps or assists, I smear in the morning and evening of week dve-three, but in couple of weeks again appears. Whence he undertakes? And how of it or him to get rid?

Rabaev G.G.
17.05.2004, 20:45
The similar phenomena occur or happen due to reaction of glands of a skin of a preputial bag and processing of their secret by microorganisms if to speak a little zhargonno speech can go about a dysbacteriosis. Radical way of treatment will be a circumcision of a prepuce. It is conservatively possible to cope with a problem having refused from application of ointments and having limited to use of soft children's soap. Through long enough term the situation can be normalized.

The student
18.05.2004, 15:28
And it cannot be connected with the latent infection? I couple of years was checked on a clamidiosis and a mycoplasma, first time result back was positive, but repeated researches in a week have revealed nothing.
And how to adjust a situation with a dysbacteriosis?

Koblikov I.A.
19.05.2004, 19:11
To you enough personal hygiene. By the way, if partnersha suffers bacteriemic or bacterial vaginozom, your complaints more than for a long time.