Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. It is more half a year has noticed back, that under a skin sexual a member...

17.05.2004, 03:39
The dear doctor. It is more half a year has noticed back, that under a skin of a sexual member I had some tens on a kind of small globules of 1 1.5 mm in diameter, similar on zhirovichki. There are they under a skin more close to the basis of a member. They at all do not disturb me. What is it can be and how much or as far as it is serious? How it is urgently necessary to apply treatment and in what it can result or bring? To what vrachu-the surgeon to me needs to address - to the urologist or the cosmetician?

Koblikov I.A.
17.05.2004, 17:11
These are rudimentary or vestigial zhelyozki. Treatment is not required.