Просмотр полной версии : In October, 2001 to us have advised to make repeated US in half a year (ist...

15.05.2004, 18:45
In October, 2001 to us have advised to make repeated US in half a year (ist bol. 14184). Have directed us only by a year. Have received following results:

Are located usually usually
Contours equal equal
The sizes 5927 5826
Parenchyma 10 10
Sine 5 5
Lohanka 3 3
The CONCLUSION: a bilateral pyeloectasis

Prompt, please, how much or as far as it patologichno and whether it is necessary to undertake something?

Thanks, Michael

Koblikov I.A.
16.05.2004, 03:34
I have looked or seen all correspondence.
Here first "US": KIDNEYS are located typically, a contour equal, the sizes are not changed LEFT 49X21 mm, lohanka 3 mm, calyxes or calicles - all of 2 mm RIGHT 48X20 mm, lohanka 3, 2 mm, gipotonichna
Here answers: Bagautdinova And. Century on October, 20th 2001 16 : 12 : 45 do not worry, results of US of kidneys of your child in norm or rate - -- And. Century on October, 18th 2001 21 : 18 : 39
For specification of the diagnosis it is important to know the absolute sizes lohanok (if digits do not exceed 5 to worry prematurely, supervise analyses of urine and if they in norm or rate repeat US in half a year. If the sizes lohanok ostanutsja former or narastut, and especially in a combination to expansion of calyxes or calicles, then sleduetprovesti inspection in conditions of a nephrological or urological hospital.

Here now after sufficient term: KIDNEYS: LEFT RIGHT Contours the equal equal Sizes 5927 5826 the Parenchyma 10 10 Sine 5 5 Lohanka 3 3 gipotonichny are located usually usually

That is nothing has worsened.