Просмотр полной версии : Hello Sergey Arkadevich! At us with the husband secondary sterility or barrenness (was re...

14.05.2004, 04:36
Hello Sergey Arkadevich!
At us with the husband secondary sterility or barrenness (there was a regressing pregnancy). In April spermogramma the husband has shown astenoteratozoospermiju, one of these days peresdal-normozoospermija. Surprise strong divergences of parameters (I result or bring below), what is it can mean, and whether it is necessary to continue inspection of the husband?
Parameters spermogrammy April August
Volume 2 2
Concentration 79 33
rn 7, 6 7, 4
Agglutination +-
Mobility And 0 45.4
IN 13 15, 1
WITH 69 18
D 18 13
Morphology: norm or rate 19 45
Defect of a head 60 18
Average part 15 23
Tail 6 14
Leucocytes 1/ml-

Kuharkin S.A.
16.05.2004, 03:16
One spermogrammy for statement of the diagnosis a little. Certainly, it is necessary doobsledovatsja: R-the test, US + Doppler of a scrotum, consultation androloga. Multiple changes from spermogrammy to spermogramme can be observed at testicular dysfunction and are characteristic for a stage of subindemnification (many similar questions below). More often, at correct diagnostics and treatment, it is a favorable stage for restoration of normal parameters.