Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Ten years at us with the husband are not present children. In the past to year we turn...

Natalia and Evgenie
13.05.2004, 05:21
Ten years at us with the husband are not present children. In the past to year we have addressed to the doctor and to us have appointed or nominated inspection and treatment. To me have made laparskopicheskuju, and then endoscopic operation. The husband in parallel too have appointed or nominated treatment.
I ask you to comment on its or his results and as it is necessary to spend further treatment and what. As its or his doctor on the sick-list. And to us time to lose it is impossible, as to him 33, and me 32 years.
Here results spermogrammy (in 2 months):
Before treatment after treatment
Volume (ml) 4, 8 2, 4
Viscosity 19, 0 13, 0
Kol. spermatazoonov (mln/ml) 44, 00 56, 00
Time of a colliquation (mines) 13, 0 19, 0
rn 7, 2 7, 2
Number spermatozoonov (million) 211, 2 134, 4
Normokinez (%) 15, 00 13, 00
Gipokinez (%) 3, 00 5, 00
Akinesia (%) 82, 00 63, 00
Diskenez (%) 0, 00 19, 00
Rate dvizh. (mm/mines) 1, 00 1, 20
Leucocytes (in sight) 0 0
Hostilitat 0 0
Fructose (mmol/) 6, 9 9, 2
Citric acid (mmol/) 0 0
Cells of a spermatogenesis (on 100) 3 3
Updating of a head (%) 25, 00 26, 00
Updating of a tail (%) 3, 00 5, 00
Updating it is mixed. (%) 6, 00 6, 00
Tanatoformy (%) 69 49
Agglutination 0 0
Resistance to NaCl 2000 2000
Resistance to NaF 3, 19 3, 54
Will oxidize.-will restore. A way. 175 95
Index of a fecundity on Farris 31, 68 17, 47
Index of a fecundity on Kapanadze 7 7

It is desirable to comment every line, in what on improvement and in what deterioration.
What best treatment in this case will help or assist. An opportunity of readiness for a fertilization (whether there are chances to conceive the child natural by).

In advance thanks Hoping best.

Koblikov I.A.
13.05.2004, 08:44
Let's make this comment personally. Come in gospitalru (it in Moscow), all we shall speak in detail.

Natalia and Evgenie
14.05.2004, 17:52
Dear And.!
The matter is that we not can so to sit down and arrive to Moscow simply. Ourselves from the Astrakhan area. And it is too much money resources cunningly on our treatment and it is necessary to us and further as you understand.
Whether it is possible on spermogramme to define or determine the husband an opportunity of a fertilization and what chances at it or him to recover.
To me in two weeks will do or make computer diagnostics of pipes, and then still and a roentgen. Will make sure how much or as far as to me endoscopic operation has helped or assisted. In fact to me promised to restore only one pipe, and during operation two have restored. Now we with the husband are excited with its or his result. The child - the only thing is very necessary to us than we were deprived by the God. In its or his our big love so nehvataet.
Help or Assist advice or council, please.
With uv. and.

Koblikov I.A.
15.05.2004, 07:31
Write urol@hospital. ru