Просмотр полной версии : Please, advise, whether it is necessary to wait exacerbations of disease (hr. pr...

07.05.2004, 18:21
Please, advise, whether it is necessary to wait exacerbations of disease (hr. A prostatitis) that it is correct at analyses to diagnose the reason (contagium)?? The matter is that I hand over analyses the second time " in the quiet period " - and under analyses anything is not present. Any ZPPP. Therefore doctors put " a nonspecific prostatitis " and treat, but uselessly. The potency has for example remained only in memoirs. To me of 25 years

Kuharkin S.A.
08.05.2004, 18:00
I think, that at you business not in originators of a prostatitis, and at all in prosatite. The typical mistake or error (doctors) to connect or bind rastrjstva in sex sphere with jalvenijami prosatita. Naobort, the prostatitis, especially its or his congestive or stagnant form, are sledsvtiem disturbances in sex sphere, directly are connected with narushenimi erectile sostovljajushchej. To be assured or confident in otsutsvii ZPPP, it is meaningful to hand over the analysis of DNA (PTSR) on these infections. However, I shall repeat once again: has put at all in them.

09.05.2004, 23:52
It agree with the doctor!!! Rich do not panic, at me the CHRONIC prostatitis, but costs or stands above a head:))). You are simple itself have hammered into to yourself it is a head, well vsmysle, weakening of an erection. Concern to it or this as you want - your business, but I have personally tried to not think simply of it or this, well have to tell the truth gone " on left " a little bit - all was adjusted!

10.05.2004, 13:07
The Doctor, also it is possible then to specify thanks: 1) if I have handed over analyses all method PTSR, and all is negative, has no value or meaning;importance, what is it was without provocations? (I did not hand over only a cytomegalovirus, but have told or said, that he on as does not influence). 2) whether correctly I have understood you, what at me the reason of erectile dysfunction - not a prostatitis? But then what??? Can, you will prompt from the extensive practice in what there can be a problem in my young still age - if never was ZPPP, the psychological reason too is excluded (at me the lovely gentle liberated girl)..., but pochemu-that he does not work (1 time in 2 3 months a maximum is in fact all the same that anything; it in the last of one and a half year so - and earlier was 1 in a month.. .a in 18 years I could 6 times a day. That is all worsens gradually, but in fact to me not 60. And 25!!) . 3) you can advise What treatment? Whether you Undertake for such remediless as I? (the truth, in the nearest mesjats-one and a half I start treatment I can not - I in fact have replaced already 6 clinics, as a result as you understand, bank notes at me almost that does not remain. And to sense yet was not).

Kuharkin S.A.
11.05.2004, 22:23
In any case of remediless problems from erections practically does not happen, and at young age, as though difficultly it not seemed to all of you, all dostachno is easy or light poravimo. It is necessary to be surveyed and treated correctly only. It is a lot of reasons ED, first of all at young age are vascular and functional disturbances. The present or true organic chemistry - the cavernous fibrosis demanding implanatatsii prostheses is a rarity. In occasion of inspection - I recommend to define or determine the further volume and a direction of inspection to pass or take place testing with pomoshju maps of sex health of the man. It will be already clear as how to search, and then and to treat. PTSR - does not demand special provocations, it is a method at soskobe from urtry not quantitative. And qualitative - est/is not present.

13.05.2004, 05:18
Thanks you for detailed answers, the Doctor! I expect to correct by July the financial incompetence and toda already to borrow or occupy in treatment of a man's incompetence with new forces. You encourage me.