Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To my son of 9 months, it or he does not have one testicle. Ours...

10.05.2004, 23:52
The dear doctor! To my son of 9 months, it or he does not have one testicle. Our doctor speaks, that it is necessary to wait till one and a half years and if the testicle will not appear, to address to the surgeon. Whether it is necessary to follow such advice or council?

Kuharkin S.A.
11.05.2004, 02:53
It is not necessary. Urgently to enlokrinologu. To the children's urologist. andrologu. If a testicle zaderazhlos at soem development in the inguinal channel or in brjushnoja polvosti till 2 years it is possible to try zastvait it or him vyjtiim with pomoshju lekrstv, if nepoluchitsja. That with operation. It is impossible to leave in no event - or will atrophy (will disappear), and the second which has left in a scrotum will suffer also, or preroditsja in cancer. Chris. I do not know what you a floor. But it is probable - mum. Well done Many on your place have missed it.