Просмотр полной версии : At me an edema of the right testicle, have performed operation. 1. How long will be hold...

07.05.2004, 11:04
At me an edema of the right testicle, have performed operation.
1. The tumour will keep how long?
2. After operation what time is given for recovery of healt? And that the military registration and enlistment office recognizes me suitable for service in a month after operation.
Yours faithfully Dmitry.

09.05.2004, 02:50
To my husband did or made the same operation, in hospital provaljalsja 1, 5 months, and before full convalescence it is has left or is cunning gde-those 3 months. After vypsiski from hospital the sick-list of a distance for a month so here so. Recover.

Kuharkin S.A.
09.05.2004, 15:03
Has usually swelled it is saved week - two. Through pair mesjatsv all the same as do not twist, and to ramii will be suitable.