Просмотр полной версии : What to hand over analyses?

The blonde
30.01.2004, 18:18
At me the tightened or delayed cystitis in length in a floor of year. Analyses on such zabolelanija as a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma and others that do not show. Kidneys too good. As ostorogo the cystitis at me already is not present those, but after an emiction I feel an itch, a burning sensation, and yes is not present and kolnet somewhere as at an acute cystitis. Business in urine can? I heard such happens at a diabetes mellitis? What it is necessary zdat analyses? And that I have come to the urologist, and he to me except for the general or common analioza urine and analioza on sensitivity to antibiotics has appointed or nominated nothing, uzi kidneys itself has elicited. Thanks!

31.01.2004, 19:19
IN the first you need to be examined for an inflammation parauretralnyh glands. Analyses: the general or common analysis wet, a tank crop wet, soskob from a urethra on ZPPP.

06.02.2004, 14:02
The doctor-urologist writes to you. Your problem is rather widespread, I advise you to refrain from acceptance of antibiotics, is possible or probable also you the flora is broken or disturbed vlagaltshchnaja and a source of an inflammation can be such originators as stafilokkok or streptokkok. It is better to have a drink special female complexes on the basis of biological additives. Write-shall help or assist to pick up to you them. With respect-a?nON.

The blonde
08.02.2004, 10:54
The dear doctor skriper! Many thanks to you for advice or council. As I already was absolutely lost in guesses what to do or make. In fact, that is especially unpleasant - exacerbations tsistina at me happen always after sexual contact to mine mch. Mum has stated the version, that its or his microflora ostensibly does not approach or suit me and there are two outputs or exits: sex with a condom or parting. Really such can be? With what it is connected?
I very much would wish to learn or find out more in detail about these female medicinal complexes. As a tank crop wet has shown presence stafilokoka in medium (the truth to me the urologist has commented on it that I dirtly have collected it or her), voobshchem I do not know precisely. kazhetsja literally it sounded so: presence of pathogenic microbes (organisms) is not revealed, there is a presence stafilakoka in external to medium. In advance thanks for the answer and explanations in occasion of treatment.

08.02.2004, 22:10
Hello the Blonde! Very well I understand your situation, to me often on reception patients with similar complaints come. Very much often urologists do not wish to be engaged in female cystitises. Since disease longly to be treated, treat it or him basically long courses of antibiotics. It is desirable to survey on an infection and your sexual partner, to hand over on a tank crop its or his semen. While at you an exacerbation of a cystitis. It is necessary to use a condom. Female complexes vision quickly restore disbalans vulval or vaginal flora, not resorting to the help of antibiotics. Whether it is necessary only for me the nobility there are no at you stones in kidneys. A diabetes mellitis and a hypertonia. Write or call 8 926 207 18 03. Yours faithfully Andrey Anatolevich.

The blonde
12.02.2004, 22:51
Huge to you thanks, Andrey Anatolevich for the answer. Analyses on inf. We recently have handed over, yet I do not know results. The set forth above diseases at me are not present. Thanks! Yours faithfully, Irina.