Просмотр полной версии : We want the child, but....

26.08.2003, 12:38
Dobrj day!
We with the husband want the child, but a year we try - and all is vain. He has handed over spermogrammu, here results:
In ejakuljare - 561
Activly- - 25 %
Inactive - 10 %
From them
With progress - 10 %
With manezhnym movement - 15 %
With -shaped dvizh. - 10 %
Motionless - 65 %
Normal - 60 %
Unripe - 2 %
Cells of a spermatogenesis - 2,5 %
The conclusion: Normospermija, Noromozoospermija, Astenozoospermija, the Dyskinesia.
Unfortunately the doctor of the husband in holiday, and we do not wish to waste time. Prompt please as it is possible with it or this will consult, as the doctor has told or said that a problem in the husband.

26.08.2003, 17:15
The girl! I not the doctor, but at my husband was a similar situation with the analysis of a semen.
To us have helped or assisted with the center of laser therapy (the exact name I do not remember), the address: m. Student's, street Student's, d. 40. Call on ph. 249-26-35 or 249-24-01 - registry. Ask Boris Davidovicha. He is a urologist.
To the husband have appointed or nominated procedures - 10 sessions for 10 days. The result if it is possible to judge rather, has improved in 2 times.
The session passes or takes place, absolutely painlessly, but main condition in current of 10 mines - to not pass or miss any day. Success.

26.08.2003, 19:54
It is treated it is necessary at one doctor, and holiday of all 30.

medtsentr 2003
31.08.2003, 12:59
Spermogramma shows a status of genesial system at the moment of delivery of a semen. You need to address to the urologist for presence at the husband of a prostatitis (this disease is very widespread). Probably the doctor will appoint or nominate to you therapy then, I am assured, the status spermagrammy to improve. Come to us.