Просмотр полной версии : Fracture shejki femurs?

18.02.2005, 12:01
Prompt please, whether it is possible to diagnose fracture shejki femurs domiciliary, not taking out the patient on a roentgen.
The patient - the grandmother, 90 years, has fallen in a room. Strong pains in the field of a basin, on the right, but only at attempt to lift a leg or foot. That surprises - lay on this femur she can

05.03.2005, 03:48
Priznaki pereloma:
nevozmozhno vstat na perelomanuyu nogy, vsya perelomanaya noga povernuta vnaryzhy, perelomanaya noga staet koroche drygoi (2-3cm.) Posle 1-2 dney vozhmozhen sinyak v oblasti bedra. Vse dvizheniya daut boli. V iskluchenii esli perelom ne polnui chelovek mozhet dazhe hodit i dvigat bez boli i v etom slychaue deformatsiya otsutstvuet. Lecheniye lutche vsego operativnoe - protes bedra s vozmozhnostiyu hodit posle operazii, esli net vozmozhno silnoe oslablenie organizma i trombu iz za nepodvizhnosti.