Просмотр полной версии : Fracture of a malleolus

11.01.2005, 17:03
Nikolay Viktorovich, hello!
Prompt, please, on with complications operation on a malleolus how much is complex or difficult and rich"?
29.12.2004 was fracture with shift, in connection with holidays all was tightened or delayed. Now I shall lay down in military- academy (I from Petersburg, me 24 years).

Dr. Polukarov
12.01.2005, 22:50
Dear Efrem!
On how much I know personally doctors working in military- academies of Petersburg, they very highly formed experts both their arms or hand and experience is very high.
Therefore to speak about complications or about something it is not necessary.
Simply trust profesionalam the business or affairs and they postarajutsja to execute all that all depends on them also that in their forces.
The prompt to you vyzdoorovlenija.