Просмотр полной версии : Hematoma on a leg or foot

24.12.2004, 12:30
Hello kind doctors! Prompt please how to get rid of a hematoma on a leg or foot hardly above a foot. Have struck in August, there was an ecchymosis, a tumescence, and now began to hurt or be ill;be sick, rengen normal, UZI-gemotoma. The surgeon has advised lotions of Dimexidum, on UZI-to heat salt, Troxevasinum. But all kak-that not so helps or assists. This tumour very much disturbs me, I am afraid, that will pass in a cancer (was - female). Kak-that an anticnemion too noet, it is not pleasant to me. Whether It is possible to do or make compresses of alcohol, to jump, time massazhirovat is impossible for me. And how long in general it is treated? With hope and gratitude of thanks.

Dr. Polukarov
31.12.2004, 16:59
Hello Lyudmila!
Excuse that longly did not respond.
The hematoma happens different and to tell or say when she will pass or take place I can not but that that she so it longly keeps not normally.
Foment and kompresy which the doctor and more has recommended descend or go on reception to flebologam let they will advise as to get rid of a chronic hematoma.
To the bill of a cancer be not afraid pass it obrazovanie-cannot.