Просмотр полной версии : Fracture after pancaking

10.11.2004, 23:56
Zdrastvujte. To me 31 year. Before fractured nothing. The diagnosis: fracture of both malleoluses and back hhh (is not read) to a tibial bone of the right anticnemion. A subluxation stops to naruzhi. Has removed or has taken off a gypsum after 2,5 months. The doctor has told or said: *quot; sroslos it is normal. Hot baths. To develop a joint, only then to give a load. And quot;

Advise the program of a fast aftertreatment. Whether it is possible to use Troxevasinum, the weightings, special exercises?

Artemev J.K.
09.12.2004, 10:34
At you by the description was typical *quot; OONO?nU?N??U*quot; fracture to a subluxation stops outside thus together with damage of bones there was a damage of the copular apparatus stops restoration of integrity of bones there is in prognosticated terms however a restoration of the copular apparatus demands long/in dependence on a damage rate-partial full razryv/an aftertreatment

Not applying for a role of the attending physician/he at you est/I wish to warn only from *quot; oO??Ooa??n*quot; process

Restoration of function of an ankle joint should pass or take place under observation and a management or manual of the expert/in conditions of Russia probably fizioterapevt/


12.12.2004, 16:16
Thanks big for a prompt reply.

It would be desirable to clear a situation. From hospital me otputili on all four parties or sides. Without what or indicatings. As when to apply, when repeatedly to be surveyed, etc. Even on a leg or foot have not looked or seen, have looked or seen only pictures. In this connection I have questions.

The leg or foot looks or appears pipelike, with inspissations under a skin from both parties or sides ahillova tendons. Nosok or clothes leave the pressed trace, which passes or takes place 1 hour (if to not knead). Whether it is normal?

Two times a day I smear a joint with Troxevasinum, in the evening - a hot bath, in her and after it or her intensively I knead a joint. In the afternoon - walk on crutches on a court yard (300-400.) without nastupanija on bolnyju a leg or foot.

1. Whether it is enough of it or this?

2. What criterion of restoration of my working capacity? (job at office, without fiz.nagruzok)

3. What is the time will pass or take place till the moment when it will be possible to come to work? (or how much days on the average it borrows or occupies from people with similar traumas?)

In advance thanks for the answer.

19.12.2004, 21:49
A little bit strange that the Russian traumatologists have not responded

I as the military doctor with experience of observation over similar patients

Not applying for a role lnchashchego the doctor I can tell or say only eo that has told or said earlier

1-extract without references on an aftertreatment a-mistake demand a direction on that course/as the minimum fizioterapija/someone should bear the responsibility for your treatment

To turn a leg or foot in a gypsum and then through time X to remove or take off it or him a lot of mind or wit it is not necessary

2-has swelled in a place of fracture depends on disturbance of venous outflow of a blood

And that ointment which you apply will help or assist.. For decrease of an edema stop can lift in current of day upwards

3-if job sedentary at office that why and to not work

Whether whether 4-tried to attack a leg or foot she holds you

Whether can rise on both legs or foots with the minimal leg on crutches

See how much it is necessary to find out to give or allow the forecast


As minimumfizioterapii the-expert

26.12.2004, 20:10
To leave you one and without references not so fairly

In Moscow there are very quite good centers where are able to be engaged in an aftertreatment

For example

bassejnovaja hospital on ivankovskom highway 3

The first medical-sports dispensary/now has another nazvanie/on a garden ring. Near to Kursk station

6 military hospital/it the address I vstechal in internete/

If you on what that to the reasons will not use internal consultations then I and we shall have the moral right that or to advise

27.12.2004, 16:07
Here see and the Russian orthopedists have responded

And the short has put is reduced to CORRECT GRADUAL And UNDER OBSERVATION of the AFTERTREATMENT

28.12.2004, 11:43
The citation of the doctor polonskogo-

To turn a leg or foot in a gypsum and then through time X to remove or take off it or him a lot of mind or wit it is not necessary

Not correctly

It is necessary to understand, as the reposition was spent also terms of an immobilization are always individual

28.12.2004, 14:10
*quot; From hospital me otputili on all four parties or sides. Without what or indicatings. As when to apply, when repeatedly to be surveyed, etc. Even on a leg or foot have not looked or seen, have looked or seen only pictures. In this connection I have questions. And quot;

Will agree Dr. Zajtsev what is it a disgrace of/sm the citation from the report patsienta/and references on carrying out of a course of an aftertreatment down to a direction a stage not less important than a reposition and plastering

As to a phrase *quot; to turn in a gypsum.. *quot; well really she to itself personally does not concern and only specifies partially made business

As has given an occasion to the patient for the reference or manipulation behind explanations, that I and have made .esli from your point of view is that-or to add to an essence

Make it for advantage or benefit of business or affairs

28.12.2004, 14:47

In an orthopedics an aftertreatment often more important stage than all previous

Your phrase, nevertheless, can and did not concern to that personally, but estimated or appreciated action of the colleague that is done or made always at absence of the patient.

28.12.2004, 14:48
Is not present is not present is not present once again I repeat a-phrase CLEANLY RHETORICAL and HAS no ESTIMATED SENSE

Well now that all points above And

And the essence of business or affairs that else can be advised in this case

28.12.2004, 14:48
0,2 %-s' solution for injections in a syringe-tubes on 1 ml. The synthetic analgetic, derivative fenantrena

Indications to application:

Painful syndrome of average and strong intensity of a various etiology

Premedication at the general or common anesthesia

Postoperative anesthesia

28.12.2004, 14:48
uv Mr. the manager be not engaged in that in what not svedushchi .est many places on the Internet and lives for display of your professional abilities

HERE doctors advise

28.12.2004, 14:48
Dear Olegarh.

Something concrete it is possible to tell or say only on internal konslutatsii.

If for you the problem is still actual - favour I ask.