Просмотр полной версии : Has sagged PKS?

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear sirs!

There was such problem. I have a friend, in proshlos the sportsman-athlete. Besides a habitual dislocation golnotopa he has managed to injure and the right knee. I do not know medical subtleties, after a trauma he passed or took place on shank's mare one and a half year. All this time a knee periodically *quot; oU?NOa?*quot;. In our city it is a lot of stars in the field of travmotologii and at us the whole heap of diagnoses was going to. From break of an external meniscus before break PKS. Clearness was brought with a tomography of a knee. The final diagnosis: Has sagged PKS with partial break and insignificant damage of an external meniscus.

09.12.02 it have operated. Have replaced sagged ligaments or cords on iskustvennye (a material I do not know).


What vyrojatnost the erroneous diagnosis at such traumas?

What material is used usually at replacement PKS?

For what day it is possible to rise from a bed?

What rvemja can be spent on crutches and in general what rehabilitational priod after such kind of operations?

Thankful in advance. Yours faithfully. Konstantin

01.09.2004, 19:30

A little I wish to tell about myself.

I too the former sportsman (now simply athlete). Twelve years has given fencing, so a subject kolenej - the patient (in direct and figurative sense). Has finished sports career in a honorary title of the Master of sports of the USSR. On series with different awards in memory of sports to me have remained travmirovanye knees. Break of an internal meniscus - here my diagnosis.

In 1990 have operated the right knee. A load on a sick leg or foot did not give almost half a year. It is necessary to notice, that during the rehabilitational period the load has laid down on the left knee and it has given negative result. As a result in 1,5 years after the first operation there was a question on the second - on the left leg or foot.

By this moment I have shovelled mountain of a printed material on a structure of a knee joint, a knee traumatism, etc. By the way - on a speciality I the radio engineer and is far from medicine (it if suddenly I am mistaken in terms): (: (

I have refused the second operation. With sports it was necessary to fasten, but not with loads. During this period to me there was one good person (the instructor of hand-to-hand fight). As it has appeared, he for a long time dealt with a problem of a meniscus. After a complex of exercises under its or his sensitive management or manual I have strengthened the left joint so, what even pains have stopped at walking. From signs remains only poshchelkivanie in a joint at a flexion more than 45 degrees. Now neoperirovanoe the knee disturbs me less, than what (according to the attending physician) became as new after operation.

From here there is a question on necessity of an operative measure at traumas of such type. And whether exists, from the medical point of view, a complex spetsializirovanyh exercises for strengthening a joint by muscles. If yes, where it is possible to esteem about it or this. Now it is a lot of literature of doubtful sense including on an orthopedics, but in fact so it is possible to remain the invalid also.

With impatience I shall look forward to hearing.

Yours faithfully. Konstantin.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Did not read anything more illogical

These questions your friend should set all to the attending physician.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Similar, mister Zajtsev, you absolutely for a cormorant hold me. Really you think, what I have climbed in this forum from idle interest, not having talked with the attending physician? And not with it or him one. Only have not convinced me ours *quot; ?oNO??a*quot;. Therefore also has decided to consult to people in a world wide web...

Thanks that have supported or maintained a difficult minute.

Yours faithfully. Konstantin

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, Konstantin.

Not so I like correspondence consultations on concrete medical questions but a few or a little;little bit to unload a situation...

In occasion of questions of your friend is really to the attending physician as only to him to one it is known both a material, and a technique, and volume of operation and, accordingly, all rest...

As to you results of operation frequently appear unsatisfactory that operation is made too late, and in a joint irreversible changes which starting moment was once the damaged or injured meniscus have already developed.

Ureplenie muscles of a femur is the factor stabilizing a joint that can promote improvement of a status. Concrete complexes of exercises I shall not name, but the general or common principle is that these exercises should be without an appreciable axial load on articulate or joint surfaces. For example, a bicycle, navigation and so forth (not run, knee-bends and so forth)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks, Alexander!

You managed to unload a situation...

This subject for me really sick. Forgive or excuse, if was rasping. I do not like retorts from a hall not on a subject.

As I already spoke earlier, I for a long time collect a material on traumas of a knee joint (basically to sports traumas). With my friends we try to create a universal complex vostanavlivajushchih and strengthening exercises. The collection should leave in the middle of next year. I think, that he will be useful...

Yours faithfully. Konstantin

01.09.2004, 19:30
To admit, I can not tell or say, that I attach special significance to a variety of exercises.

You take more - you throw further, and all will be developed.

You, Konstantin, probably the gourmet of it or this is is characteristic for sportsmen.

However if there will be an opportunity to send electron variant of your collection - shall be extremely grateful.

Success also be not ill or sick.