Просмотр полной версии : Compression fracture of a vertebra

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prompt please!

After compression fracture of 5-th cervical vertebra the person has appeared in an invalid's carriage: sensitivity above papillas, arms or hand move, fingers work not everything, the some people do not feel heat at a touch. He in such status 20 years...

Tell or Say, whether probably somehow to change its or his status to the best? Though any variants, opportunities, methods? Advise, please.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Let's try or taste under the order

When patient the neuropathologist and what exactly he has written in medical documents though it and was for a long time last time looked

Whether the patient moves, I in that sense, whether leave or abandon he with your help an apartment?

In advance I shall make a reservation, that I from September, 4 till September, 18th shall not have dostpa to a computer as I shall leave for holiday

Do not wait from me for any reports and answers at this time

And more, while...

If you wish to learn or find out more professional on this problem, you can pay attention on

http: // www.sci-rus.com/index.htm

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prompt please!


Tell or Say, whether probably somehow to change its or his status to the best? Though any variants, opportunities, methods? Advise, please.

And you wish to achieve what sort of changes? And whom this person is necessary you?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Let's try or taste under the order

When patient the neuropathologist and what exactly he has written in medical documents though it and was for a long time last time looked

Whether the patient moves, I in that sense, whether leave or abandon he with your help an apartment?

In advance I shall make a reservation, that I from September, 4 till September, 18th shall not have dostpa to a computer as I shall leave for holiday

Do not wait from me for any reports and answers at this time

And more, while...

If you wish to learn or find out more professional on this problem, you can pay attention on

http: // www.sci-rus.com/index.htm

Unfortunately at present data on a case history I have no, since the person is far from me. I hope, that in October I on arms or hand will have repetitions.... Then I at once shall write.

In occasion of movement: he leaves or abandons the house only in an invalid's carriage by means of native. While warmly, often happens on fresh air, periodically leaves on a summer residence.

P.S. Thanks big for the link.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And you wish to achieve what sort of changes? And whom this person is necessary you?

Certainly, it would be desirable, that the person went... But how much I was interested, more and more or less understanding people respond, that 20 years are too big term that on something to count...

If it became valid already a Utopia any changes for the best will be great pleasure: augmentation of area of sensitivity of a skin, restoration of job of fingers...

And whom this person is necessary you?

This person for the short period became me the close friend.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Certainly, it would be desirable, that the person went... But how much I was interested, more and more or less understanding people respond, that 20 years are too big term that on something to count...

If it became valid already a Utopia any changes for the best will be great pleasure: augmentation of area of sensitivity of a skin, restoration of job of fingers...

Whose this desire?

This person for the short period became me the close friend.

It is good. It is necessary to find out, how he concerns to it or this. And what degree of your admission in its or his personal space.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whose this desire?.

While mine...

It is good. It is necessary to find out, how he concerns to it or this. And what degree of your admission in its or his personal space.

He yet has no concept that I strajus to learn or find out. While I shall not find any nitochku, I cannot tell or say to him...

Dear Aminazinka, for me it is the second question - how to return in it or him belief, to force to want greater, rather than he has at present. I fine understand, what is it an important problem... Probably is not easier than that, that I have put for myself on the first place. But now I very much ask to advise, prompt - AS it is possible to change aside convalescences its or his status?...

The admission in personal space? I Hope, that I am not deceived also he is available.

01.09.2004, 19:30
While mine...

Until it or he will be not not stated by the patient, something to undertake it is impossible.

He yet has no concept that I strajus to learn or find out. While I shall not find any nitochku, I cannot tell or say to him...

Dear Aminazinka, for me it is the second question - how to return in it or him belief, to force to want greater, rather than he has at present.

And it is precisely necessary for him???? He has lived 20 years how lives now. And you wish to change its or his life. He is ready to it or this? He has given you such right???

I fine understand, what is it an important problem... Probably is not easier than that, that I have put for myself on the first place.

Here it is more important to find out, whose is a problem.

But now I very much ask to advise, prompt - AS it is possible to change aside convalescences its or his status?...

The admission in personal space? I Hope, that I am not deceived also he is available.

Here the right to change its or his life means how it seems to you correct. In 20 years after a trauma it will be difficult to change something considerably, and you are going to no more - not less - to give him hope. That then this hope has failed. It is not too severe?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I tyotushka all life was anxious, rastroennaja, all dissatisfied. Five years ago to her have amputated a leg or foot, she does not go almost. I was amazed or struck - at it or her character in the best party or side has changed - cheerful became!

01.09.2004, 19:30
I tyotushka all life was anxious, rastroennaja, all dissatisfied. Five years ago to her have amputated a leg or foot, she does not go almost. I was amazed or struck - at it or her character in the best party or side has changed - cheerful became!

This leg or foot really means was so is sick, that did not allow yours tetushke to live and be pleased lives. The removed hemorrhoids also changes to the best character of the person. It is proved-disappears ???nO?*quot; gemorroidalno malicious ?N?oNa*quot; All is natural.:p

01.09.2004, 19:30
This leg or foot really means was so is sick, that did not allow yours tetushke to live and be pleased lives. The removed hemorrhoids also changes to the best character of the person. It is proved-disappears ???nO?*quot; gemorroidalno malicious ?N?oNa*quot; All is natural.:p

Tyotushka all life nyla, that she is hardly sick. And when became the invalid - has calmed down.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Will agree, not absolutely direct analogy to the person to a tetraplegia...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Will agree, not absolutely direct analogy to the person to a tetraplegia...

I also do not speak about it or this.

I wish to illustrate words Aminazinka on an example, that not at once it is possible to understand - that actually wants and that is necessary for other person.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, dear Aminazinka, for the answer to my concrete question. Your answer - to do or make something it is useless.

I hope, that once I shall find the person who will tell or say the return.

You condemn me that I interfere with an another's life, but without its or his consent I shall make nothing. Now I only search for the answer to the question.

And the hope is much better expectations of mors. No, empty hopes will not be, for this reason I collect the information, opinions and views from the various parties or sides.

Once again thanks that have paid attention.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I hope, that once I shall find the person who will tell or say the return. Marrying! And here in it the moment very important that forces soberly have sufficed you to look at promises, not popat in which arms or hand of charlatans is a lot of both in a network, and in a life... And to not give the liked person of unnecessary promises.

Your right to search for the general or common information on a spinal trauma.

But, Marrying, you have not the right to use any medical documentation without the consent of the patient. It is unethical. Even from the best promptings.

I still consider or count, that the basic attention nuzhngo to turn not so much on medical, how much on social aspects (a computer, an opportunity of job domiciliary, social support...).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Marrying! And here in it the moment very important that forces soberly have sufficed you to look at promises, not popat in which arms or hand of charlatans is a lot of both in a network, and in a life... And to not give the liked person of unnecessary promises.

Your right to search for the general or common information on a spinal trauma.

But, Marrying, you have not the right to use any medical documentation without the consent of the patient. It is unethical. Even from the best promptings.

I still consider or count, that the basic attention nuzhngo to turn not so much on medical, how much on social aspects (a computer, an opportunity of job domiciliary, social support...).

Thanks for support, Anton.

Socially- aspects cannot be discussed in a network since to tell or say it would be desirable much - ideas a heap, but to write correctly not always it is possible. I still support or maintain it or him, I try to give him that does not suffice him... My searches go in parallel.

And here to use documents without the consent... Know, Anton if I shall tell or say to him that I do or make... And while it is ineffectual... In general while there is no lumen in this tunnel, I cannot inform him...

Empty hopes or bitter taste of that I only in vain waste time also nerves - here result of that I shall devote it or him now in the reflections.

At present I am am excited with medical aspect. As soon as here it becomes clear, then the laborious reflection above psychology will begin...

In occasion of charlatans.

To avoid them, I approach or suit to problemme from the different parties or sides. Both with medical, and from the point of view of those who was or is in such position... I Learn or I Find out, that tried or tasted, that helps or assists, and that - waste of money.

I do not hurry, I search for a way, I search for the answer.

He is, I know.