Просмотр полной версии : To cut or not?

Alyonushka of Century
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Artem 28 years, Minusinsk. A computer tomography: the height of disks is lowered L5-S1 considerably, with regional osteal growths. A diffusive or diffuse protrusion of disk L4-5 up to 0,4 sm, a link sided paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 in the sizes 0,9*1,3 and 1,5 see in the basis with squeezing root S1. He descended or went on consultation to the surgeon has made the conclusion: Considering prescription and volume of a paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 operative treatment is shown. Absence rastrojstv perefericheskoj sensitivities speaks character of shift of a hernia. Advise what to do or make please in my case. The doctor has explained to me, that the kernel or core of a disk has squeezed out on ruzhu and except for operation of other alternative is not present and in this connection I was already adjusted or already set up on operation. Pains are shown when sit or longly lay, and when dvigaeshsja are not shown. Wished to write to you the description of illness or disease which my doctor, but nemogu has made its or his prohonour *quot; ??oOoO*quot;, If it is necessary I can scan and send or involve the translator. Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Artem 28 years, Minusinsk. A computer tomography: the height of disks is lowered L5-S1 considerably, with regional osteal growths. A diffusive or diffuse protrusion of disk L4-5 up to 0,4 sm, a link sided paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 in the sizes 0,9*1,3 and 1,5 see in the basis with squeezing root S1. He descended or went on consultation to the surgeon has made the conclusion: Considering prescription and volume of a paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 operative treatment is shown. Absence rastrojstv perefericheskoj sensitivities speaks character of shift of a hernia. Advise what to do or make please in my case. The doctor has explained to me, that the kernel or core of a disk has squeezed out on ruzhu and except for operation of other alternative is not present and in this connection I was already adjusted or already set up on operation. Pains are shown when sit or longly lay, and when dvigaeshsja are not shown. Wished to write to you the description of illness or disease which my doctor, but nemogu has made its or his prohonour *quot; ??oOoO*quot;, If it is necessary I can scan and send or involve the translator. Thankful in advance.

I think, that precise and unequivocal indications to operative treatment at you are not present, proceeding from is international the accepted criteria. And researches of domestic/Russian experts testify to the same

http: // compaq.viniti.ru/biolweb/nevrol/nevr9901/s04.htm

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Artem 28 years, Minusinsk. A computer tomography: the height of disks is lowered L5-S1 considerably, with regional osteal growths. A diffusive or diffuse protrusion of disk L4-5 up to 0,4 sm, a link sided paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 in the sizes 0,9*1,3 and 1,5 see in the basis with squeezing root S1. He descended or went on consultation to the surgeon has made the conclusion: Considering prescription and volume of a paramedian hernia of disk L5-S1 operative treatment is shown. Absence rastrojstv perefericheskoj sensitivities speaks character of shift of a hernia. Advise what to do or make please in my case. The doctor has explained to me, that the kernel or core of a disk has squeezed out on ruzhu and except for operation of other alternative is not present and in this connection I was already adjusted or already set up on operation. Pains are shown when sit or longly lay, and when dvigaeshsja are not shown. Wished to write to you the description of illness or disease which my doctor, but nemogu has made its or his prohonour *quot; ??oOoO*quot;, If it is necessary I can scan and send or involve the translator. Thankful in advance.

Whether it is necessary to operate an intervertebral hernia?

Among the majority of the medical public it is considered ordinary opinion, that an intervertebral hernia it is necessary to operate. In some cases really it is necessary, but it is the extremely rare. Now in essence, what such an intervertebral protrusion or a hernia? Speaking popular tongue it is a phenomenon when patholologically changed disk, for example due to an osteochondrosis drops out for the physiological borders and squeezes the nervous root feeding for example an extremity. The disk consists of round ligament or cord;sheaf-fibrous of a ring and the jelly-like substance which are being inside of a fibrous ring, the substance wears function ammortizatora at loads. Except for other there is the intradisk pressure allowing adequately to distribute or allocate a load on different departments of a backbone. If istonchaetsja the fibrous ring also loses a moisture pulpoznoe a kernel or core, that actually characterizes an osteochondrosis, the disk gets pathological mobility. Now formation of a hernia of a disk business only of time and the provoking factor. We shall admit or allow it has occured or happened, squeezing a nervous root by a protrusion or a hernia takes place, the long painful syndrome is formed. Treatment and then in a hospital helps or assists with an out-patient department for a short while or does not help or assist in general. Treated massage, nyxes, manipulation, extension, needles at various times and in different places, advised many experts, but from it or this it is not easier. Here for this moment neurosurgeons offer operation in view of absence of effect from the spent therapy which as a matter of fact was not, and were *quot; medical oN?NuONO*quot; and loss of time. A pain and despair, weariness and disbelief in disposal of pains, illusive radicalism of operation, *quot; will cut out and OnO*quot; results or brings the patient on a surgical table. The good neurosurgeon, all peerly surgeon, its or his view and years the developed or produced algorithm of treatment conceptually surgical. But there are obvious things, that excision of a hernia and surgical stabilization of a backbone considerably will break or disturb biomehanniku a backbone with formation of instability in above,-underlaying pozvonochnyh segments and abaissement of a hernia. We do not consider complication during operation, early purulent and late poslerperatsionnye adherent or adhesive processes when too hurts, and hurts strongly. Here then and on an operating table there is no sense to take. What to us to do or make, if the diagnosis of a hernia-protrusion of a disk is exposed and the painful syndrome is saved? The main thing it to not search for panacea, at such disease monomethods never helped or assisted, WILL help or assist ONLY HIGH-GRADE KOMPLEKS.Vo all world there is a unconditional priority of conservative treatment of a hernia of a disk, indications to operation are limited. In the USA and the Europe needy layers of the population for economic reasons are operated

Source: http: // www.naturclinica.ru/articles_4.htm

01.09.2004, 19:30
As the person who has experienced all it on dear or expensive own skin (i.e. a back:)), I shall tell or say simply following: I am operated, but as the indication the destruction prolabirujushchego a fragment squeezing root S1, and, hence, has served high risk to receive physical inability of II group, that is, simply speaking, practically to lose an extremity. Your case conservative.