Просмотр полной версии : Veins on arms or hand in district act where feel pulse. One Acting a wreath...

17.08.2004, 02:33
Veins on arms or hand in district act where feel pulse. One
Acting a wreath round was about a pea 2 years ago. Now with 10
Cheap coin. At a load on arms or hand hardens. At pressing leaves
Completely. What is it?
To me of 38 years. An operating mode a computer + the machine or car for 12 hours per day. I do not drink.
I smoke longly - 25 years. At a load 3 kg it there are more than arm or hand hurt. As if a bar
obkachalsja in district of 1 10 sm from a brush. Is osteahondroz, skoleoz. Elbows on a flexure dark

Kuzmina J.O.
19.08.2004, 03:34
As to veins is to flebologu, instead of to artrologu.

19.08.2004, 06:10
Address to artrologam, has probably developed t. n. A tunnel syndrome-
Overstrain or Overvoltage of tendons of a brush.
Doctor Uchkin

After that answer has decided to address here: (

Kuzmina J.O.
23.08.2004, 05:02
If it was a tunnel syndrome, complaints would be others. Hypodermic veins at a tunnel syndrome have no form of peas. In any case if there were disagreements, it is better to you to see a doctor internally. Internet-consultations have the limited opportunities.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 15:31
I was responded by doctor Uchkin:
It not a vein, it suhozhilnoe a vagina, so at all....
Doctor Uchkin

There was I in hospital, and at 5 doctors, everyone speak a miscellaneous. In hospital - the tunnel syndrome - such was born + smoking, doctors from an arteriosclerosis on a background skoleoza and osteohandroza, up to neznaem from what probably neck, probably internal organs, did or made a heap of researches. The general or common opinion is not present.

Dopplerografija: Srednemozgovaja an artery: 0.58 Perednemozgovaja: 0.59. pozvonochnaja an artery 0.48 ASR work weakly Assay with turn of a head: there is no inflow of a blood. Duplex scanning of a neck left pozvonochnoj arteries in kos the channel gradient LS to the left of v, kv3 = 0.50-> 0.26 m. / Rengen of a neck: skalioz
In hospital did or made neznaju as is called vobshchem as a current checked arms or hand. After that have told or said about a tunnel syndrome. SHCHetovidka in norm or rate. Is on uzi changes in a liver and pancreatic. But all analyses in norm or rate. The surgeon about veins speaks what is it not an arteriosclerosis too the vascular surgeon speaks also. I any more do not know where to address. And whether costs or stands:) I live in Sankt-Petersburg. Can will advise as to be treated a tunnel syndrome, in hospital to me have advised only vitamins. Also can what nibud the doctor in Sankt-Petersburg. I at deadlock: (

Kuzmina J.O.
28.08.2004, 04:44
I too at deadlock: I in fact in Moscow. If the doctors, looked you so insist on that, what is it a syndrome of the carpal channel, they should know how to treat this illness. Conservatively - lidokainovo-diprospanovye blockade. Though cardinally this illness is treated only by means of small operation. A short of operation - a section of the ligament or cord;sheaf surrounding tendons, nerves and vessels from the palmar party or side of a radiocarpal joint. At a syndrome of the carpal channel this ligament or cord;sheaf is hypertrophied (is increased) and utolshchena. By the way. You wrote: " veins on arms or hand in district Act where feel pulse. One acting a wreath round was about a pea 2 years ago. Now about 10 cheap coin. At a load on arms or hand hardens. At pressing leaves completely. " Etovena or vse-taki something other? So the hygroma can behave. Only the hygroma is not a vein, and education from environments of tendons and an articulate or a joint capsule. In any case, on the Internet it is difficult to me to understand.