Просмотр полной версии : To my father of 58 years. At it or him series fall or be ill, such as a radiculitis, a prostatitis, ar...

14.08.2004, 15:09
To my father of 58 years. At it or him series fall or be ill, such as a radiculitis, a prostatitis, an arthrosis, an arthritis, etc. to Him the doctor has advised to get device " " for treatment of these illnesses or diseases. You could not tell about this device more in detail and where it or he can be got.

Solomatov V.G.
15.08.2004, 14:25
Dear Natalia, physiatrist and with some suspicion I concern to idea, that complex or difficult enough device can is high-grade to be used in house conditions by the nonspecialist. Reasons - similar diseases difficultly give in to treatment even skilled or experienced people, and self-healing here is advertised or promoted at a minimum of efforts and knowledge. It were those reasons by which I am guided after familiarity with advertising, but is possible or probable. That I am wrong and there was something though so it not seems to me. Let my opinion remains at me, but it is occasion to take an interest at sellers more in detail, can they have understood problems of a body better, than doctors. Most likely enough often there comes time or temporary improvement as at reception of preparations, but the reasons are not mentioned or touched;affected, therefore after a while all renews (the analysis of action of the Hero, milty, etc.) In occasion of addresses - in any newspaper where they are advertised or promoted. I am not engaged in it or this. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

16.08.2004, 15:40
These age sores can be cleaned or removed. Click on Florrida1@narod. ru and I shall tell as. Flora