Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I in December of the last year in rezulttate falling from height to a floor...

07.08.2004, 07:34
Hello, I in December of the last year in rezulttate falling from height have was traumatized - a dislocation-fracture in a joint shopara, 3 months was in a gypsum with fiksatsikj spokes, now to stop kak-would turn out in lateral aspect, from it or this at walking she becomes curve, kosolapit. There are suspicions, that at me still a subluxation of an ankle joint which have not eliminated or erased;removed. Tell or say, why a leg or foot prinila such position and whether it is possible to correct it.

Kuzmina J.O.
08.08.2004, 21:37
Dear Julia! You it is necessary to look internally together with roentgenograms. Come, I shall try to help or assist.