Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The father (48 years) was brought down with the machine or car. In result: e traumatic am...

01.08.2004, 00:57
Hello. The father (48 years) was brought down with the machine or car. In result: e traumatic ablation of the right anticnemion, the closed comminuted fractures of the bottom third of left anticnemion and the right brachium, a powerful or potent hemorrhage. From the moment of failure or accident has passed or has taken place almost month. Functions of an organism (an emiction, reception of peep and t.) in norm or rate. The father lays in travmotdelenii regional hospital. Spent treatment - injection of a blood, plasma, a dropper poligljukona, glucoses, obezbalivajushchie and antibiotics. The right arm or hand on langete, the left leg or foot on an extract. Now the hemoglobin has come to norm or rate, there is a rise in temperature by the evening was up to 38, 5 now up to 37, 2) operations nakostnogo an osteosynthesis by metal plates on a leg or foot and an arm or a hand after which the gypsum will be imposed Are planned. Here such situation. I am am excited with following questions
1) Has passed or Has taken place already a lot of time, operation do not make, speak, that he should get stronger and gain strength, that them to transfer or carry. Whether there is here what that restriction on time and whether it is possible to do or make operation if it or he has rises of temperature by the evening, or necessary to wait while all is normalized? What narcosis is more preferable at such operations?
2) The Osteosynthesis metal plates - whether necessarily it is necessary to delete them after an adnation of a bone?
3) The stump Very or very much excites. She was formed as a result of a traumatic abruption. One week ago the necrosis has been cleaned or removed and sewn up, podpila bones were not though to make it or him certainly it was necessary, but while it or her to touch or tamper with do not want, she it is already good podzhila, dry.
4) How to him in general to rise on legs or foots with its or his traumas? Whether probably to use crutches at fracture of a brachium if it is possible or probable through what time after carrying out of operation of an osteosynthesis?
5) When it is necessary to begin a prosthetic repair - after an adnation of all fractures?
6) Can prompt what or the literature (it is possible or probable on the Internet) on treatment and aftertreatments of such patients.

Elkin D.V.
02.08.2004, 03:26
In this case I advise you to trust in the attending physician, as to understand a situation it is in absentia impossible - too can be any nuances much, and give thus any advice or councils it would be wrong both in relation to the patient and to colleagues who observe it or him.