Просмотр полной версии : One month ago has damaged or injured;hurt a tendon 2 - go a finger of the left arm or hand. Easier speaking razre...

Petrushkin A.V.
26.07.2004, 06:52
One month ago has damaged or injured;hurt a tendon 2 - go a finger of the left arm or hand. Easier speaking cut a tendon and so forth up to a bone. Operation is spent. But after 4 h weeks of an immobilization it is observed malopodvizhnost in joints and a finger as though has become numb. At depression of temperature of air - cools down and begins "lomit". In trampunkte have sent in an out-patient department, and vp oliklinike do not know what to do or make and send back in a fracture clinic. A vicious circle. What procedures in house conditions can advise to return mobility of a finger.

Kuzmina J.O.
29.07.2004, 07:50
Deep sgibatel? Superficial sgibatel? An extensor 1 ogo a finger?.. Most optimum at present to address particularly to the address of, that is to kistevomu to the surgeon (GKB 4, GKB 6 in Moscow).