Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Prompt please, what nonconventional or nemedikamento...

22.07.2004, 14:23
Hello. Prompt please, what nonconventional or not medicamental ways of treatment of a polyarthritis can be applied.

T atjana
23.07.2004, 12:12
Dear Alexander, exist komplementarnye methods of treatment, look or see a site www. dr-nona. ru, my dr-tatjana@mtu-net. ru address

24.07.2004, 14:43
Hello! It is a lot of ways, and that will help or assist one God knows. I give some prescriptions. 1 kg of a celery (greens) finely to cut, 200 gr honey and three lemons (together with a peel), all to mix, insist in a dark place of 6 days, then in a refrigeration cabinet. On 1 item to the spoon z once a day.
If joints them hurt recommend to grease a trace. Ointment. A fresh egg to fill in esentsiej so to cover an egg. When the shell will be dissolved, it is necessary to add a butter. Carefully to mix. And to grease sick joints. Wrappings kapusnymi sheets, leaves of a burdock very well help or assist. It is possible to put copper coins on sore points, too removes or takes out a pain. Well cleans joints broth of laurel leaves, them make boiled water, tomjat in a water bath and then an ice crust of %