Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Alexander Valerevich! The Seam on a chin of my son Teodora-e...

21.07.2004, 10:05
Hello, Alexander Valerevich! The Seam on a chin of my son Teodora-to him now 2, 5 goda-(you sewed us in May of the last year) was safely tightened or delayed - once again thanks. But, under a skin I probe or palpate small krupinchatye inspissations. Similar inspissation remains above a brow - after the next falling was raose huge, about an egg, shishka and an ecchymosis (not bylo-all has passed or has taken place concussions). Kto-Someone has told or said, it is what is it dangerous development, in the further, a tumour.
Whether prompt, please, it is necessary to pay attention to it or " itself will resolve "? And the second vopros-where in Moscow can buy or make or purchase or make;buy or produce;purchase or produce children's orthopedic insoles for prophylaxis of a platypodia for daily socks? Thankful in advance. With uvazheniem-Hope.

Didkovskij A.V.
22.07.2004, 09:42
1. Most likely so there was a cicatrization of a hypodermic fat, t. To. At its or her seam I did not use not resolving nitok. Development of a tumour as a result ushiblennoj wounds it is extremely doubtful. Usually similar cicatrixes in due course are practically imperceptible. Certainly, without survey it only a variant which can be assumed virtually. 2. Till 5 6 years crests or fornixes stop only are formed and to think of a platypodia early. Insoles are on sale in any orthopedic interior, for example, in a fracture clinic 1 GKB on Leninsk the prospectus, 10.